Madeline Nicol posing with research
Madeline Nicol, former Ohio State Marion student and spring 2018 graduate with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, recently presented research at the CUNY Human Sentence Processing Conference in Boulder, CO.
Katie Fusek, a double major in history and English at Ohio State Marion was inducted into Phi Alpha Theta National History Honor Society at Ohio State in April.
Nathan Baker
Junior psychology major Nathan Baker is making the most of his undergraduate experience at Ohio State Marion. The Mount Gilead, Ohio native recently returned from presenting at one of the biggest developmental psychology conferences in the world, the Society for Research on Childhood Development conference in Baltimore, Maryland.
Ohio State's innovative and highly successful Second-year Transformational Experience Program (STEP) is now available to students at Ohio State Marion through a three year pilot program on the regional campuses.
headshot of Jen Miller
The History Program, Norman Thomas Memorial Endowment Fund, and Fahey Bank are pleased to welcome Executive Director of the League of Women Voters, Jen Miller as this year's keynote speaker at the Annual Norman Thomas Memorial Lecture and Luncheon, Wednesday, March 20th, 2019 at 12:30 p.m. in the Guthery Community Room.
Ohio State Marion Assistant Professor of Earth Sciences Dr. Joel Barker recently returned from Antarctica as a member of the Subglacial Antarctic Lakes Scientific Access (SALSA) project. The goal of the SALSA project was to sample a lake beneath 1 kilometer (0.7 miles) of ice on the East Antarctic Ice Sheet. This lake, Mercer Subglacial Lake, would have been only the second lake that has been accessed and sampled in Antarctica.
woman putting her food on another person's plate
A woman whose boyfriend or husband regularly watches pornography is more likely to report symptoms of an eating disorder, new research suggests.
Peter Hahn, Dean of Arts and Humanities presents a $20,000 Ratner Award to Associate Professor of English Sara Crosby, the first regional campus professor to ever receive this prestigious award.
Ohio State Marion Associate Professor of English, Sara Crosby was among five Ohio State arts and humanities faculty awarded this year’s Ronald and Deborah Ratner Distinguished Teaching Award during a surprise presentation in front of her spring semester English 4597.02 course, American Regional Cultures in Transition - Strange Louisiana.
“For students coming from families in the lower half of Ohio’s income distribution, it is less expensive to get a degree from The Ohio State University than it would be to go to a community college for two years.” Those, the words of Ohio State President, Dr. Michael Drake, as he spoke to the Marion Rotary Club recently.