Current Students

Academic Advising
The Academic Advising Office is open and accepting in person, Zoom, and phone appointments. Please call 740-725-6334, Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., to schedule appointments with an advisor.
If you have trouble accessing this page and need to request an alternate format please contact u@osu.edu
If you are a current student at The Ohio State University you can also schedule an appointment using OnCourse through Buckeye Link.
Listing of advisors, majors advised, Ohio State email addresses.
To schedule by phone call 740-725-6334
If you are not yet a student at The Ohio State University, please contact our admissions office to apply
To schedule online: Go to go.osu.edu/oncourse (if using an iPad, go to buckeyes.campus.eab.com) and log in with your OSU username and password.
- Select the blue button “Schedule Appointment.”
- Select “Meet with Your Success Team” and select your advisor.
- Select the appointment reason, and the day you would like to meet. Select a day and time from the list available.**
- In the comments box, please provide your phone number, your intended major, and the reason for the appointment. Confirm the information and schedule.
- You will receive an email confirming your appointment with the zoom link if that is your preference
**If you do not find a time available that works for you or if the topic you want to discuss during your appointment is not listed, please call our office at 740-725-6334 to schedule with our reception staff.
This tutorial video and PDF will assist you- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BDRixFDPTFg
There are four possible formats for course delivery:
In person: This is a traditional in-person class with your classmates and the Professor in a classroom on campus.
Hybrid delivery: This means that the course will include both online and in-person elements. The course description will include the words “hybrid course.” Students will need to read the course description and syllabus carefully to learn when they will need to attend each component.
Online-synchronous: This means that the students and Professor meet together virtually as a class at the designated day and time. The description for these classes includes the phrase “virtual class times as listed.” These classes have a day and time listed in the course description, but say ONLINE for the room assignment.
Online-asynchronous: This is a traditional online format where students complete the readings and assignments on their own time and do not meet together as a class. Classes in this format say ONLINE for the room assignment and the day and time spot is blank. Online classes use Carmen Canvas as the "classroom".
Connect to your online classroom link, Carmen
This linkwill allow you to look at courses being offered at Ohio State Marion for the upcoming 2023-24 academic year. Please know schedules can change without notice. Check the scheduled courses, days, times, delivery format, and location prior to classes starting each semester to be sure you have the most updated information.
If a course requires instructor or advisor permission, please contact your advisor or our office at 740-725-6334.
There is no physical bookstore at The Ohio State University at Marion. Course syllabi and class schedules contain required book and other class resource information. Students may purchase textbooks through various college textbook vendors using the title, author, edition, and ISBN number assigned to the book. In addition, if a student is working with our Office for Disability Services additional formats of class textbooks and other resources are available.
Many texts are available in electronic format through a program called Carmen Books and the Affordable Learning Exchange. These texts are offered to students at a discount and electronically loaded into Carmen, our online classroom platform. Fees for these books are added to your statement of account. Students have the option to opt our of Carmen Books if they prefer to purchase books through another resource. Vist Carmen Books to read more information. Opting out has a deadline of the first Friday of the semester.
How will you know if a course uses Carmen Books? Details about course textbooks will be listed on your class schedule by clicking the "section" link associated with each course in which you are enrolled.
These images show you where the section number is located on your class schedule and the description under Notes that opens after clicking the section number: It is important to know not all classes will have textbooks listed. Some courses have material supplied by the instructor or assigned after the class begins.
The Academic Success Center, Math Lab, Writing Center, and Science and Engineering STEP Center all offer free tutoring services.
The Academic Success Center, Math Lab/STEM tutoring, and Writing Center, are located on the mezzanine (2nd floor) of the campus library.
Please email rye-mccurdy.1@osu.edu if you have additional questions or need help locating information on contacting a peer tutor for a subject you did not see on the links above.
We encourage any student to discuss services offered through the Office for Disability Services.
If you are receiving accommodations through the Office for Disability Services (ODS), for any reason, that office will guide you through the process of communicating with your instructor about your accommodations.
Accommodations may include services needed through each year of your college degree completion or for those who have a temporary need of services.
It is the responsibility of the student to communicate with ODS and instructors to be sure your instructor knows you are working with the Office of Disability Services as soon as possible, ideally, at the start of the semester or as soon as they have been assigned if it is after the semester has started.
Sometimes unexpected issues arise for a student during a semester that may require an early withdrawal from a course or the entire semester enrollment. This could be health related, or other unexpected personal issues. If this happens it is important for students to know the information below. Advisors and Financial Aid Counselors are here to help you through this process should it arise.
- Any time a student withdraws from a course after the 4th Friday of autumn of spring semester, a mark of "W" is added to the student's record to indicate early withdrawal. (other dates may apply for summer semester enrollment).
- Withdrawing from a course before the fourth Friday of the semester does not generate a "W" on your transcript.
- Students normally have up to the 10th Friday of a semester to drop a course.
- No matter when you drop a class there are several things that can be impacted by early withdrawal. These can include financial aid, scholarships, housing, insurance coverage, your course completion progress toward a degree, and more. You should always consult with your Advisor and the Financial Aid Office (614-292-0300) before dropping a course. This is especially important if you are using financial resources provided through a G.I. Bill or other funding through military resources. Students using these financial benefits should work with our Military and Veterans Services Office in addition to university financial aid.
- Enrollment for autumn 2024 semester is open now. If you are a current student, check your BuckeyeLink for information on a to-do-list that may need to be completed before you can enroll in classes. Complete the list and set an appointment with an advisor to help with course selection.
- Advisors welcome the opportunity to work with a student to develop their schedule for future semesters. Call 740-725-6334 or use OnCourse to set an appointment.
- Students who are changing campuses for autumn 2023 or spring 2024 should consult with their advisor about the campus change process now.
- Students who are applying to selective and competitive majors should work with an advisor to plan for application to your major. This includes developing your class schedule.
- It is helpful to have a 2nd schedule for an alternate major should you not be accepted to your major of choice. Advisors and career services support students in identifying a major.
- Students are able to change their schedules through their Buckeyelink until the end of the first week of the semester.
- Exception- if a student is new to the university their class schedule is locked and all schedule changes should be discussed with your academic advisor who will assist you in enrollment changes.
Always read the information about the hold or lock listed in your BuckeyeLink and then follow the instructions for addressing the reason for the hold. There will usually be a step by step process, phone number, or university link listed as a resource to resolve any issues listed on your To-Do-List.
Some common reasons a hold may be placed on your BuckeyeLink include, but are not limited to the list below:
- Covid-19 Vaccine Mandate
If a student has not completed their Vaccine Verification or filed an exemption request and had that request approved by August 8, 2022, their ability to schedule classes will be locked with an enrollment hold. Students who receive a hold will be able to schedule online courses through their academic advisor for autumn 2022. In person courses or hybrid courses that have some on campus requirements will not be open for enrollment.
Students may still file their vaccination verification or file an exemption request. This webpage provides more information: https://safeandhealthy.osu.edu/covid-19-vaccine-re...
The link above connects you to the electronic forms for verifying your vaccine or filing an exemption request. There are other FAQ's listed on this page. You may contact your academic advisor with enrollment questions.
- Your Financial Responsibility Statement is not completed.This online statement form must be completed prior to scheduling courses each semester for all current OSU students. The link to the Financial Responsibility Statement is located in your To-Do-List in your Student Center.
- Past due financial balance. Check your Statement of Account in Buckeye Link to confirm your status. If you have questions about your statement of account, or any message to you from the Financial Aid Office, call 614-292-0300, 740-725-6389, or the phone number listed in your Buckeye Link message. (Academic Advisors do not have access to your financial aid information).
- Your grade point average (GPA) is less than a 2.0 (C average). When a student has a cumulative academic grade point average under 2.0 a scheduling hold is placed on the student's Buckeye Link.
- Contact the Academic Advising Office at 740-725-6334 to discuss your academic situation with your Advisor and assigned Academic Success Coach.
- Contact Financial Aid if you have a financial hold due to your grade point average being under a 2.0. financial aid probation or cancellation can be applied to your account when under a 2.0 gpa - 740-725-6389 or 614-292-0300
- A transcript hold is placed on a student's BuckeyeLink when OSU is missing high school and/or college transcripts from education prior to attending Ohio State
- Directions for sending transcripts to Ohio State
- If you have had your transcripts sent to the University and they are not showing up in a Transfer Credit Evaluation Report after a few weeks, please contact your Advisor or the University Registrar at registrar@osu.edu
Transcripts should not be delivered by the student or sent to other addresses on campus. Doing so will prevent acceptance of the transcript as official, and a transfer credit evaluation will not be completed.
Are you a first semester college student at The Ohio State University and want to adjust your class schedule but you have a schedule lock? All schedule changes for new students must include a conversation with your Academic Advisor (this includes College Credit Plus (CPP) students who may have attended OSU prior to high school graduation and are now in their first semester of post high school enrollment).
Students who would like to apply for the Associate of Arts Degree should contact the Academic Advising Department at 740-725-6334. Deadlines and earned credit criteria apply. Your advisor will assist you with the application process.
- Grade Forgiveness applications are due by the 10th Friday of the autumn and spring semesters.
- Various deadlines apply for summer semester
- Contact the advising office for more details on summer grade forgiveness. 740-725-6334.
- Students complete an online application to request to use grade forgiveness
- Various deadlines apply for summer semester
- Grade Forgiveness can only be petitioned for coursework completed at The Ohio State University. Transfer credit from another institution does not qualify for Ohio State grade forgiveness.
What is the Grade Forgiveness Policy?
Undergraduate students of any rank may be eligible to repeat up to three courses for grade forgiveness. Students should meet with their academic advisor to discuss eligibility for the policy because some restrictions may apply. The deadline to submit the online application for grade forgiveness is the 10th Friday of autumn and spring semester. Details about Grade Forgiveness can be found here. Electronic forms to apply for grade forgiveness can be found at the Registrar's webpage by clicking students>current>forms>grade forgiveness
Students who wish to enroll in a course with no open seats available can choose to add their name to the course waitlist when they are registering for classes. If a seat opens up in the course or the instructor grants permission to accept additional students, the student may have the opportunity to enter the class from the waitlist. Click here for details on enrolling from a waitlist.
Contact your advisor for assistance.
It is important to discuss graduation with your advisor at least 3 semesters prior when you plan to graduate. This helps to ensure you know the exact degree requirements remaining plan to have an initial conversation at the start of your 3rd (junior) year. Application deadlines vary for each major. Visit this page for more ceremony details and dates: Commencement and Other Graduation Information
Important University Dates and Deadlines for Autumn 2022 can be found at registrar.osu.edu Calendar. NOTE: This calendar may be updated at any time
Online Transcript Ordering - Transcripts must be ordered by the student online. Transcripts are not available for printing or pick-up at Marion campus. For assistance call 614-292-9330.
Enrollment Verification This link will provide you with options and instructions to generate verification of your enrollment at the university.
Marion Campus major completion programs
Additional Academic Credit Resources:
Visit our Career Services Office for assistance in choosing a college major, resume development, internship information, and career planning
Advising Staff
Campus Information Associate
Director of Student Success Programming