College Credit Plus - Academy

The Ohio State Academy Program is an opportunity for outstanding students in grades 7 through 12 to enroll in Ohio State classes. The Academy Program is the Ohio State implementation of the College Credit Plus program that has been created by the State of Ohio. Admission to the Academy will be based upon a student’s college readiness as measured by standardized test scores (ACT, SAT, or Accuplacer). This program is a partnership between Ohio State, the high school, the student and his or her parent(s)/guardian(s).

Who should participate in the Academy program?

Because students in the Ohio State Academy Program will be taking classes on campus and in classrooms with older students, it’s important for families to discuss if this is the right option. Students will have a college transcript and grade point average that will follow them after participation in the program. We recommend that students who participate are:

  • Motivated and mature, able to advocate for themselves and able to follow through on required work
  • Strong academic students, ready to take on the challenge of more difficult work and faster pace
  • Interested in topics beyond the subjects easily available in high school
  • Willing to devote extra time for the program, and possibly give up current extra-curricular activities

Admission to the Academy does not imply or guarantee admission to the Columbus or Marion campus as a degree-seeking student after high school graduation. You must reapply for admission as an Undergraduate student starting August 1 or later of your senior year. Go to for more information.

Academy Options

Application Deadlines

Public School Students:

  • Autumn semester (begins in August): Apply by May 1
  • Spring semester (begins in January): Apply by October 15
  • Summer term (begins in May): Apply by February 1

Non-Public School Students:

  • All semesters (begins in August): March 1
    • Additional steps to be completed before June 13:
      • Apply for funding from the State of Ohio Feb 3-May 1 at 5:00PM
      • Upload an admissions letter from Ohio State to your OHID Account
      • Email your funding letter to the Director of the Academy Program at The Ohio State University by June 13
      • Email your funding letter to your advisor by June 13

Note: The funding application for the State of Ohio used by Non-Public school students is not affiliated with The Ohio State University. If you need assistance with the State of Ohio Funding Application for Non-Public school students, call the helpline at 877-644-6338. Non-Public students participating in the program as self-pay (paying out of pocket instead of through funding from Ohio) can adhere to the public-school deadlines for each semester.

Admissions Criteria

To determine college-readiness, Ohio State will look at a student’s curriculum and standardized test scores. Standardized test scores must meet Ohio’s Remediation-Free Guidelines as set by the State of Ohio. After all application materials are in you can take the Accuplacer with The Ohio State University Marion. Sign up at 

College Readiness Scores for Regional Campuses

Readiness Area


Old SAT (taken before March 2016)

New SAT (taken March 2016 or later)


English Sub Score


Writing: 430 | Critical Reading: 450

Evidence Based Reading & Writing 480

Next Gen Writing - 263 or above

Reading Sub Score



Evidence Based Reading & Writing 480

Next Gen Reading - 250 or above

Mathematics Sub Score




QAS / AAF - 263 or above


If a student does not meet Ohio’s Remediation Free Guidelines or is not able to take the ACT or SAT, the Accuplacer will be used to determine admissions eligibility. Students are eligible to take the Accuplacer on our campus when all application materials are submitted. This includes steps 1-3 above. We do not accept Accuplacer scores from other institutions. The first Accuplacer test is free to students that have no scores that would deem them admissible according to Ohio’s Remediation Free Guidelines. To get on the Accuplacer list to be notified about future tests, go to and fill out the form.

Apply Step-By-Step

Follow these instructions to apply as a CCP student to the Marion campus. It is your responsibility to monitor the status of these items. After applying, you will receive information about logging into to see what items have not yet been received by Ohio State.

To be considered for admission to the Academy program, students must complete the below to do list by the deadline (see "Application Deadlines" above):

It is the student’s responsibility to check his or her application status to ensure that all documents have been submitted by the deadline.

Suggested web-browsers to complete the online application are Internet Explorer, Firefox or Safari (the site doesn't seem to work well with Google Chrome). If the application stops responding, you may need to close any open tabs and re-launch the application site.

After You Apply

Steps to take after you have applied for admission.

After You Are Admitted

You've been admitted to Ohio State! Here's what you need to know.


Feel free to contact us with any questions at and 740-725-6242.
Senior Academic Advisor
Academic Advising