Educational Partnerships
This pilot program incentives attendance, academic achievement, and promotes higher education. K -12 students from Marion City Schools and 7-8 grade students at Elgin, Ridgedale and River Valley can earn scholarship dollars to attend Ohio State Marion after graduating from high school.
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Memories Project
Science, industry, and technology in Marion County, Ohio: Past, Present, and Future
Students in select second-year writing classes at Ohio State Marion are collecting oral history materials showing Marion County residents' involvement in, and attitudes toward, science, industry, and technology. A primary goal is to document the technical history of workers, their families, jobs, and businesses in north central Ohio.
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Program 60
Enjoy the experience of learning just for fun – if you are an Ohio citizen age 60 or over, a unique opportunity awaits you at The Ohio State University. Program 60 is a legislatively mandated program for Ohio residents who are at least 60 years of age. Program 60 provides an excellent opportunity for you to remain engaged in intellectual activity with people of all ages. Your life experiences will add much to classroom discussions.
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Teacher Manufacturing Boot Camp
This program shows teachers what really goes on behind the scenes in the manufacturing industry. Participants will gain first-hand experience with the rewarding careers available in manufacturing companies in Marion County and the skills students need to obtain and retain these positions.
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