Peer Coaching
- At Ohio State Marion, we carefully select and train students to work with their peers, assisting with study skills, time management, note taking, organization, and more! Peer Coaches hold designated hours each week in the Academic Success Center located inside the Marion Campus Library. No appointment needed, just stop in to the library circulation desk and see a Peer Coach during the posted hours.
Students looking for added support in academic skills are encouraged to enroll in EDUPSY 2059. ESEPSY 2059 covers the following topics:
- Understanding the culture and expectations of higher education
- Getting the most out of resources and support services
- Developing mindsets that build resilience and ownership.
- Applying the science of motivation to manage time and overcome procrastination.
- Managing stress and increasing well being
- Using research-backed strategies to boost the effectiveness of:
- Reading in college
- Taking notes in college
- Organizing course materials
- Studying and enhancing retention of course materials
- Taking tests in college
- Writing in college
Academic Status
- At the end of each semester, student records are reviewed, and an appropriate status is posted based on GPA. Click the link above to learn more about each status. Marion campus students placed on Academic Probation will be assigned to a Success Coach who will help them understand the terms of probation and develop a plan for success.