
Orientation at Ohio State Marion will introduce you to life as a Buckeye! Prior to your on-campus Orientation session, you will complete a series of steps online including placement testing and other To Do List items found on your Buckeye Link page and a virtual course in Carmen, Ohio State's online course management system.

At Orientation, you will meet members of our staff and faculty, learn about the courses required for your area of study, and discover the wide range of opportunities and resources on campus designed to support your success as a college student. If you've completed all the required items on your To Do List, you will schedule classes on Orientation Day.

Watch your Ohio State email for communication about Orientation once you have been admitted and paid your acceptance fee. Only students who have paid the $100 acceptance fee will receive the communication and have access to the online component mentioned above and Orientation.

Orientation Preview

How to Register for Orientation - updated 3/11/25

Go to Buckeyelink.osu.edu

Select “Applicant Center” from the Quick Links box on the right:

Log in with lastname.# and password & Duo

Click on the “Orientation Information” tile:

Move through the 4 tabs answering the questions on each tab. The last tab will list the available dates/times and allow you to select and confirm your choice: