Steps to Take Before Orientation

Email is the primary method of communication used and messages will be sent to your Ohio State email account. If you're not used to checking your email daily, now is a great time to start that practice!

Complete these items as they become available.

Access your To Do List on your My Buckeye Link page. Click on any item for additional details and instructions for completing. Deadlines, if applicable, and contact information will be listed for each item. 

To Do List items may include but are not limited to:

  • Placement Testing – required for enrollment in many courses.
  • Submitting final transcripts/test scores, if applicable
  • Financial Responsibility Statement – required for course enrollment.
  • Selective Service Registration
  • Pre-Orientation Assessment
  • Orientation Carmen Course

Register for on campus Orientation!We will host half day Orientation programs on select days in June, July, and August. You’re encouraged to attend the earliest date your schedule allows. Register from your Applicant Center in Buckeye Link.

Additional Information on To Do List Items

Order Official Transcripts and Test Scores. Only official transcripts will be accepted by Ohio State – either from your high school and/or from the registrar of your former or current university. Official transcripts must be sent from the academic institution to the Ohio State address listed below. Do not have official transcripts sent to the student and do not have them sent to the Marion campus.

Submit electronically to: 

Send Official Transcripts to: 
The Ohio State University 
Undergraduate Admissions 
P.O. Box 182646 
Columbus, OH 43218 

Talk with your parents/guardians/spouse about your health insurance coverage. Ohio State students enrolled in 6 or more credit hours must have health insurance. You will automatically be charged for OSU’s student health insurance plan. If you are covered through another plan, you must waive the OSU coverage through your Buckeye Link. This can be done prior to or at Orientation. You will need information found on your health insurance card to waive the OSU coverage. Information on the OSU health insurance plan can be found at:

Complete the Financial Responsibility Statement. The terms of this agreement are found in the "To Do List" area of your Buckeye Link. You will not be able to schedule classes until you agree to the terms of the statement.

If you are a male, be sure that you have registered with Selective Service to avoid being charged non-resident fees. To register or to access your number, visit:

Familiarize yourself with Carmen, Ohio State's online course management system. Click here for information and tutorials.