10649 Education Society - For students pursuing career in Education
10669 Psychology Club - For students interested in social and behavioral science
Alber Trust Development Scholarship - Scholarships for Ohio State Marion students
Ava King Brown Scholarship - Students of merit attending Ohio State Marion with preference to sophomores or upper classman in social work or phsycology
Babich Honors Fund - Support for activities at Ohio State Marion that cultivate, nurture scholarly achievement
Bach of Science in Eng Tech - Support for those pursuing BSET at Ohio State Marion with academic merit
Barbara & Peter Miller Scholarship - Scholarship for Marion county residents with rank 2+, 2.5 GPA with financial need
Brown RL&CJ Endowed Scholarship - Scholarship supports first year students majoring in Education. Must be a Harding High School graduate and at the top third of class
C. Jane Bull Scholarship - Scholarship for Ohio State Marion students with strong academic potential
Consolidated Electric Co-Op Scholarship - Scholarship for students served by Consolidated Electric Co-op
Diana & Gary Sims Scholarship - Scholarship for students of traditional age who are qualified; full OR part time student
Dixie Strawser Memorial Book Loan - Loans for students to purchase course textbooks
Donald & Lillian Sims Scholarship - Scholarship for deserving Marion County students attending Marion or Columbus campus
Dorothy F Carver Scholarship - Two scholarships per year for non-traditional students with min of 3.65 GPA, prefer Humanities major. One full time and one part time
Drew Endowed Scholarship - Scholarship for undergraduate or graduate students attending Ohio State Marion with preference to single parents or unique life situations
Edwin Wolfinger Scholarship - Scholarship for deserving Ohio State Marion students
Evelyn & George Ghearing Scholarship - Scholarship for Ohio State Marion students in education, engineering, or business w/3.0 GPA or higher
Evelyn E Walter Endowment Fund - Scholarship for non-traditional Ohio State Marion students from Marion county
Evelyn E Walter Development Fund - Scholarships for non-traditional Marion campus students. Rank 2+ with need.
Francis & Virginia Hazard Scholarship - Scholarship for students with diasbilities or handicaps
Friends of Delaware Endowment - Scholarships for students who reside in or are from Delaware County
George & Dorothy Alber Scholarship - Scholarship assistance to qualified Ohio State Marion students
Geraldine & Wayne Kuhn Scholarship - Scholarship for students majoring in English, human ecology, or social science who were in top 1/3 of high school class
Geraldine McFadden Kuhn Scholarship - Scholarship for students majoring in English, human ecology, or social science who were in top 1/3 of high school class
GoBuck$ - Earned tuition vouchers for Marion City K-12 students to attend Ohio State Marion
Hal Hazelett Endowment Fund - Scholarship for students with majors in math, science, or education with a 2.8+ GPA
Hamilton Family Endowed Scholarship - Scholarships for undergraduate and graduate students who have unique life circumstance
Hendricks Study/Travel Scholarship - Study/travel scholarships; involve study in foreign country or in US rep non-native culture
Howard Honors Development Fund - Supports Honors Program activities - student recognition, research, lectures, etc.
Jack & Ruby Weis Scholarship - Scholarship with preference to students entering engineering or science with financial need and merit
Jane Peppard Scholarship - Scholarship for Marion county students with financial need, high degree of academic potential, or scholastic ability
John H. Moore Scholarship & Grant - Scholarship for students at Ohio State Marion
John Isler Scholarship - Scholarship for students in College of Food, Agriculture, and Environ. Sciences who have exhibited a project at Junior Fair. Prefrence to Marion campus student.
Lauren Vison/Zenan Wample Memorial - Revolving loan for Marion students to buy books, supplies
Loudenslager Scholarship - Scholarship for students from Marion, Wyandot, Crawford, Morrow, Delaware, Union or Hardin counties in College of Agricultural or Human Ecology
Lowe Marion County GoBucks - Earned tuition vouchers for Marion county school students to attend Ohio State Marion
Marion Campus Club Scholarship - For campus organizations awarding funds to Ohio State Marion students
Marion Campus Scholarship Fund - General Marion campus scholarship account
Marion Founders Scholarship - Scholarship for deserving students attending Ohio State Marion
Marion STEM Scholarship - Provides scholarships in STEM fields to students attending Ohio State Marion or Ohio State Marion-sponsored programs.
Mary Alice Lyon Scholarship - Scholarship for deserving Marion county high school graduates at Ohio State Marion
Merle & Pearl Hamilton Scholarship - Scholarship for students from Marion county with financial need who major in agriculture, medicine, engineering, arts
Mitchell Education Scholarship - Award given upon recommended by education Faculty for students rank 2+. Intended to be above already awarded scholarship(s)
OSU Marion Campus Community Cupboard Fund - Assists with expenses of the OSU Marion food pantry
OSU Marion Education Scholarship - Scholarship supports education majors at Ohio State Marion
Pandey Endowed Scholarship - Scholarship for STEM majors with a 3.2 minimum GPA. Can be used for tuition, room and board and study abroad
Patel Scholarship Fund - Scholarship for engineering and pre-med students
Philips CP & LJ Scholarship - Scholarship for business majors from Marion or adjacent counties; for students who do not qualify for need based aid
Philips Endowed Scholarship - Scholarship for rank 2+ STEM majors showing academic achievement
Ralph Lewis Scholarship - Scholarship for students at Ohio State Marion with preference to Marion County students
Richard and Joyce Brown Fund - Scholarship supports first year students majoring in Education. Must be a Harding High School graduate and at the top third of class
Romine Howser Endowed Scholarship - Scholarship for incoming students with a 2.7 GPA in their senior year; Biology, Botany, Geology or other science majors on any campus
Roy & Lillian Holdridge Scholarship - Scholarship for rank 2+ business majors
Sara Sprague Howser Scholarship - Scholarship for rank 2+ elementary education majors with 3.0+ GPA
Special Projects Fund - Supports student travel and educational initiatives
Strine Scholarship Fund - Scholarships for graduating Cardington Lincoln high school students attending Ohio State Marion
Student Educational Travel Fund - Scholarships for study tours abroad
Student Emergency Fund - The Ohio State Marion Student Emergency Fund supports any Ohio State Marion student in financial emergency situations on a case-by-case basis. These funds help eligible students pay for unforeseen expenses and remove barriers to academic success.
Student Opportunity Development Fund - Support for students attending Marion & need to participate in experiences to enrich their lives (study-abroad, community service trips, & leadership conferences).
Sue Galloway Swavel Endowed School - Scholarship for students pursuing elementary education, rank 2+ with 3.0+ GPA
Theodore Myers Scholarship - Scholarship for deserving students in biological sciences at Ohio State Marion
W. Keith Davis Memorial Scholarship - Scholarship for deserving rank 2+ students at Ohio State Marion
Warren Brown Endowed Scholarship - Scholarship for rank 2+ business, marketing, or finance students with 3.0+ GPA and need
Warren G. Harding Symposium Award - This award will be given to an Ohio State Marion student who submits the winning essay on the annual Warren G. Harding Symposium theme.
White Memorial Fund - Scholarship for psychology majors in high need with faculty recommendation
Wm. Kay Davis Engineering Award - Awards for students who begin on the Marion campus and are admitted to College of Engineering