Disability Services

The Office for Disability Services provides confidential support services, auxiliary aids, and accommodations for students with disabilities that allow them to gain equal access to education. This office is a part of the Ohio State Columbus campus Office of Disability Services.

Eligibility for Services

To initiate services, documentation of one of the following disabilities must be provided to the Office of Disability Services:

  • Visual Impairment—A copy of a recent eye examination, which should include diagnosis and a copy of a recent Individualized Education Plan (IEP), if available.
  • Mobility Impairment Diagnosis—must include a description of functional limitations, and a record of medications used, prescribed dosage, and any side effects experienced.
  • Hearing Impairment—A copy of a recent audiological examination, which should include a diagnosis with etiology, degree, type, and configuration of loss, as well as a copy of a recent IEP, if available.
  • Psychiatric Disability—A current letter from a psychologist or psychiatrist stating the diagnosis, characteristics of the disability, and medication.
  • Learning Disability—A copy of a recent IEP or Multi-Factor Evaluation (MFE) and results of last psycho-educational test battery.
  • Chronic Illness—A letter from a physician stating the diagnosis and impact of the disability, including any limitations and medication.
  • Attention Deficit (Hyperactivity) Disorder—A copy of a recent diagnostic report which states the DSM diagnosis; symptoms; instruments and procedures used to make the diagnosis; and the dosage, type, and frequency of your current medication.
  • Other—Students with other types of disabilities should consult with the Office of Disability Services staff to determine the documentation needed. The intent of the documentation is to ensure that those with legitimate disabilities receive services appropriate for the characteristics of the disability.


  • Advocacy
  • Priority scheduling
  • Exam accommodations including:
    • quiet space
    • extended time
    • readers and/or scribes
  • Specialized adapted equipment and software
    • Accessible textbooks
    • Sign language interpreters
    • Access to class notes
  • Support groups
  • Learning strategies workshops

Services in Columbus

Students are able to access a variety of services on the Marion campus. As an Ohio State University student, you also have access to services available on the Columbus campus. Students are responsible for requesting most accommodations in a timely manner and to follow ODS policies and procedures for accessing accommodations as outlined in the Office of Disability Services Student Handbook.

Faculty Services

The Office of Disability Services seeks to help faculty members better understand the needs of students with disabilities and provide information on the various aids and services offered by ODS. Resources to assist you with preparing to teach students with disabilities.