The Ohio State University at Marion will induct alumna and former staff member Carol (Marker) Bowman into the Alumni Hall of Fame during an official ceremony, Thursday, November 2, 5:30 p.m. in Maynard Hall’s Guthery Community Room on campus.
November 2, 2023
The educational and career journey of Ohio State psychology alum Christine Gibson began as a shy but driven undergrad from Marion, Ohio and has grown to a confident career minded banking executive in her local community.
October 27, 2023
The Ohio State University at Marion and Tri-Rivers Career Center marked a significant milestone with the debut of its state-of-the-art connected smart manufacturing (CSM) cell hosted within the manufacturing bay of the RAMTEC facility. This transformative addition, generously funded by Tri-Rivers Career Center, The Ohio State University at Marion, and the Marion Community Foundation, represents a pivotal advancement in manufacturing education in Marion, Ohio.
October 19, 2023
Broadway actress, Libby Servais (Wicked on Broadway) and husband, Stephan Stubbins (Mary Poppins on Broadway), bring their two-person show “Broadway In Love” to The Ohio State University at Marion’s Morrill Hall Auditorium Thursday, November 9, 2023 as a part of the Five Nights on Campus performance series.
October 18, 2023
Promoting literacy has been woven into the community fabric of Marion dating back more than a century, according to a joint research project by The Ohio State University at Marion, Marion Women's Club, and Marion Public Library.
October 11, 2023
During Hunger Action Month, Marion County community organizations connected with The Ohio State University at Marion and Ohio State Extension for food kindness. On Thursday, September 28, 2023, Marion area community organizations came together at Ohio State Marion to celebrate kindness in the local food community, Ohio State Marion students, faculty, and staff worked to distribute 430 boxes equal to 87,720 shelf-stable meals to Marion area agencies.
September 29, 2023
Cincinnati, OH (May 25, 2023): At the Ohio Mental Health First Aid (MHFA)Summit held earlier this month in Columbus, Teri Kinsway, Ohio State Marion Social Work Program Manager and School Social Work License Program Coordinator for Ohio State, was awarded the New MHFA Instructor of the Year for 2023.
September 28, 2023
Ohio State Marion peer coaches Makayla Yake and Bryce Moodispaugh share their thoughts on Ohio State Marion's peer coaching program. The program provides student guidance from an experienced student perspective to navigate the many services, both academic and non-academic available through the campus and the university.
September 20, 2023
Ohio State senior neuroscience major Louis Gibson was recently named a Pelotonia Undergraduate Scholar by The James Comprehensive Cancer Center at Ohio State. The award is the sixth such honor since 2018 for Ohio State students working with Ohio State Marion faculty mentors.
September 12, 2023