Campus provides quality employees to Sakamura; company helps campus grow

Sakamura USA, Inc. at 970 Kellogg Parkway in Marion is finding a ready source of talent at The Ohio State University at Marion. Pictured on the Sakamura shop floor, L-R, are: Sheila Schmidt, Shipping & Receiving Coordinator; Nathan Conley, former Ohio State Marion intern, now Sales & Purchasing Supervisor; Trevor Bender, Ohio State Marion Shipping & Receiving Intern; Naomi Taniguchi, Office Manager & Treasurer.

Sakamura USA, a forging machinery manufacturer based in Kyoto, Japan, with its U.S. operations located in Marion, Ohio’s Dual Rail Industrial Park, has found a ready supply of new employees on Ohio State's Marion campus. The burgeoning relationship between Ohio State Marion and Sakamura is the kind of win, win relationship the campus would like to foster. Ohio State Marion is helping Sakamura grow as a company. Sakamura is helping Ohio State Marion students expand job skills and experiential learning, while also making an investment in Ohio State Marion's new Science and Engineering Building. The two entities combined are contributing to Marion's growth as a 21st century economy.


“We see the placement of our students in our local companies as a very real way in which Ohio State’s presence in Marion acts as a catalyst in helping the community grow." Dean & Director Gregory S. Rose.


Nathan Conley, who expects to finish his business degree at Ohio State Marion in 2017, started as an intern in Sakamura’s machine shop in 2009. The company’s office manager, Naomi Taniguchi, has encouraged him to continue to pursue his degree, as he balances work and studies. Today, Conley is Sakamura’s sales and purchasing supervisor.

“We are so proud of him,” said Taniguchi, who treats her 19 employees like family. Recently, Sakamura hosted its annual company picnic for employees and their families. Eighty-six people showed up to play games, jump in inflatable bouncy-houses, and enjoy fried chicken.

Ohio State Marion psychology major Trevor Bender joined the Sakamura team as an intern this spring. Working in the shipping and receiving department doesn’t sound like a typical internship for a psychology major, but Bender insists it’s a good fit. “I’m dealing with many different people and different cultures,” he said, and finds his psychology training very helpful.

“Trevor is an excellent employee,” said Taniguchi. “He shows up on time, is very intelligent and pleasant to work with,” she said.


“If, through partnerships like this, we can help our community attract and keep good quality employees and citizens, we’re doing our job.” Dean & Director Gregory S. Rose.


Bender plans to graduate next year with a psychology degree earned primarily on the Marion campus. “I spent some time in Columbus, but returned to Marion. I really like the smaller classes and the attention I get from my professors,” he said. He’s particularly enjoyed the classes he’s had from Dr. Chris Daddis. “I will use the data analysis I learned in his class no matter where I land.” Bender said he would consider a career with Sakamura or in another manufacturing setting, if one were offered.

Sakamura sees its partnership with Ohio State as a two-way street. The company recently committed $75,000 toward the construction of the new science and engineering building going up on the campus. “This is really an investment in our future,” said Taniguchi.

“We see the placement of our students in our local companies as a very real way in which Ohio State’s presence in Marion acts as a catalyst in helping the community grow,” said Dean and Director Gregory S. Rose. “If, through partnerships like this, we can help our community attract and keep good quality employees and citizens, we’re doing our job,” said Dean Rose.