generated photo of what Science & Engineering Building will look like

The first “shovel in the ground” for Ohio State Marion’s new Science & Engineering Building Project will occur Monday, October 5th. That is the day that barricades will go up across the southern leg of the Marion campus internal road as construction begins on a new parking lot and the connection to University Drive. The new lot will replace parking spaces lost when the new Science & Engineering Building is sited between the Alber Student Center and the Marion Campus Library.

“This step marks the first physical work on this long-awaited project,” said Ohio State Marion Dean and Director, Dr. Greg Rose. “We are very excited to see all of the planning for this important project finally coming to fruition.”

The new parking lot will add 170 new spaces to campus parking. Accounting for those lost in the science/engineering building construction, a dozen net new spaces will be added to the 1334 that currently exist on campus. However, during construction, parking on the west side of the campus will be more restricted. Students may opt to park in lots 5, 6, or 7 on the east side of the Marion campus to avoid the construction congestion.

During the new lot and internal road construction, traffic will be routed through existing lots 2 and 3. Some spaces in those lots will be closed to facilitate traffic movement and construction. In addition, there will be an intersection between motorized and pedestrian traffic. Pedestrians will have the right-of-way at that intersection, but all are urged to use caution.
Once the parking lot construction is complete, the new entrance to the campus from University Drive will be opened for general traffic. The parking lot and internal road construction is expected to be complete by the end of December.

The internal road and parking lot construction continues a parade of recent projects impacting the Marion campus that include new privately-developed student housing along University Drive, construction of the southern leg of University Drive, a new bike/walking path along the new road, and next March, the start of construction on the new science/engineering building.

“These projects enhance our ability to deliver a quality higher education experience to students in our service area—and, increasingly, to many students from across the state of Ohio,” said Dr. Rose. “With this project, we become even more connected to our community.”



Please note that construction will begin on a new parking lot and the southern leg of our internal road on Monday, October 5th. This will mean that the southern leg of the internal road will be closed at that time as will a number of parking spaces in lots 2 and 3. Incoming and outgoing traffic patterns will be clearly marked through those lots during the construction period, expected to last through December. Of particular concern will be the crossing between lots 2 and 3 where pedestrian and automobile traffic will mix. This intersection will be clearly marked, but you should be aware that pedestrians have the right-of-way at this intersection. Both pedestrians and motorists should exercise extreme caution. When complete the new 170-space lot will add at least a dozen additional spaces to campus parking, even as lot 2 is closed for the new building construction.

To avoid the construction congestion, you are invited to use lots 5, 6, and 7 on the east side of the campus. Students may want to allow extra time to get to class due to the construction and parking changes. (Campus Map showing all lots on campus)