head and shoulders photo of Ohio State Marion Associate Professor of Education, Dr. Linda Parsons

Ohio State's University Institute for Teaching and Learning recently announced the selection of Ohio State Marion Associate Professor of Education, Dr. Linda Parsons, as a mentor in the Faculty: Foundation, Impact, Transformation (FIT) program.

A year-long experience for faculty members new to Ohio State, Faculty FIT program focuses on active support for faculty at all levels of teaching experience. As a part of Faculty FIT, a mentorship program pairs new faculty with mentors who will share their teaching knowledge and experiences at Ohio State.

"During a selective application process, Dr. Parsons was chosen as a mentor and is, indeed, part of an elite class of outstanding Ohio State teachers," said Kay Halasek Director of the University Institute for Teaching and Learning.

Throughout the academic year, Parsons will be mentoring a multidisciplinary cohort of 3-4 faculty new to Ohio State.

President Drake’s recently released Time and Change Strategic Plan which puts teaching and learning at the forefront as the first pillar of the framework.

“Ohio State will be an exemplar of the best teaching, demonstrating leadership by adopting innovative, at-scale approaches to teaching and learning to improve student outcomes,” said President Drake.

"Such a goal can only be met by the University’s outstanding teachers such as Dr. Parsons," added Halasek, congratulating Dr. Parsons for being selected for this important role as the university welcomes its newest faculty to Ohio State.