Seat set aside for a deserving Marion County student, application deadline: April 18, 2016

Thanks to behind the scenes efforts of Ohio State Marion Assistant Professor of Physics, Chris Orban and the generosity of Frontier, one Marion county student has a reserved slot at the Ohio Supercomputer Center's 2016 Summer Institute.

The Summer Institute is a two-week residential program, scheduled for June 12-24, 2016, that gives gifted Ohio high school students entering their sophomore, junior or senior year project-based, hands-on learning. Working in small peer teams, the students use supercomputers for practical applications such as solving complex science and engineering problems, conducting network forensics to catch hackers, studying the spread of the bird flu and designing computer games.

To apply, students are encouraged to visit:


What is the Ohio Supercomputer Center Summer Institute?

SI is a two-week residential program that gives gifted Ohio high school students entering their sophomore, junior or senior year project-based, hands-on learning. Working in small peer teams, the students use supercomputers for practical applications such as solving complex science and engineering problems, conducting network forensics to catch hackers, studying the spread of the bird flu and designing computer games.

Who is eligible to apply?
Ohio high school students entering their sophomore, junior or senior year.

Who might want to apply?
High achieving students who like science, engineering, mathematics or computers.

Why students might want to attend:

  • Exposure to world of supercomputers and their real-world applications
  • Gain a competitive edge in future educational and professional pursuits
  • Work directly with experts in science, engineering and computer science
  • Learn how to work with others while developing project management and interpersonal skills
  • Develop friendships with other students who have similar interests
  • By living in dorms, experience a taste of college life
  • SI attendees looking at rack servers
  • An SI teacher and students visit an OARnet Networking PoP as one of their field trips

Program Details: Dates: June 12-24, 2016

Location: Ohio Supercomputer Center, 1224 Kinnear Road, Columbus, Ohio

Application: The deadline for SI 2016 applications is April 18, 2016. We will begin notifying accepted students approximately early May 2016.

Cost: There are no tuition fees or charges for materials. Students will be responsible for housing / meal (breakfast and dinner) costs which are approximately $500.00 for the two weeks. Lunch and snacks are provided by OSC during the day.

Past Projects: The cornerstone of the Ohio Supercomputer Center's Summer Institute is the projects. The students work together in small teams on diverse and challenging research-level projects. Teams are comprised of a project leader (staff member who conceived and designed the project) and three or four students.