Ohio State Marion junior Early American History major, Devon Hardwick played the role of President James Monroe as part of Marion County Historical Society's "Lunch with the Presidents," held Monday, December 28 in Maynard Hall's Guthery Community Room.

According to Hardwick, he's derived a great deal of pleasure and knowledge studying and portraying historical figures, such as Monroe, throughout his formative years. Portraying James Monroe fits perfectly with Hardwick's academic area of study in early American history and particularly his focus area of the American revolution through the 1820's, which is considered the Virginia dynasty of U.S. presidents.

Referring to his study and portrayal of historical figures, Hardwick said, "I've been involved since I was twelve."

James Monroe was the fifth President of the United States. Monroe was the last president who is widely considered one of the founding father's of the United States and the last president from the Virginian dynasty.

He believes the benefit of hosting such an event for the Marion County Historical Society is the connection the campus makes with the overall community.

To learn more about the Marion Historical Society and their 2016 calendar of events click here.

Pictured above from right to left: President James Monroe played by Devon Hardwick, Ulysses S. Grant played by Doug Ebert, and President Harry S. Truman played by William Bradford.