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Symposium examines Ohio Presidential front porch campaigns

The Ohio State University at Marion, the Harding Presidential Sites, and Ohio History Connection have once again partnered to present the 2025 Warren G. Harding Symposium, Politics at the Doorstep: Presidential Front Porch Campaigns, July 18-19, 2025, in Marion, Ohio

This year’s symposium examines the campaigns of U.S. Presidents Benjamin Harrison, William McKinley, James Garfield and Warren G. Harding. The symposium will take an in-depth look at all four of these unique presidential campaigns. Featured presenters will include experts from all four presidential sites including: Alan Gebhart park ranger at the James A. Garfield National Historic Site in Mentor, Ohio; Jennifer Capps, vice president of curatorship and exhibition at the Benjamin Harrison Presidential Site, Indianapolis, Indiana; Kimberly Kenney, executive director of the McKinley Presidential Library and Museum, Canton, Ohio; and Sherry Hall, site manager of the Harding Presidential Sites, Marion, Ohio.

The Warren G. Harding Symposium is an academic, social, and cultural exploration of the life and times of America's 29th president. The Symposium presents in-depth analysis and research by authors, historians, researchers and experts on the Harding Era and related areas of interest.

This annual event attracts visitors to Marion, Ohio from across the state, and the country and it features a Friday afternoon Brown Bag Luncheon Program and an evening opening reception at Warren G. Harding Presidential Library and Museum. The annual Presidential Wreath-Laying Ceremony at the Harding Memorial Saturday morning, three workshop sessions with outstanding scholars who have unique insights into the U.S. presidency and presidential politics Saturday afternoon on the campus of The Ohio State University at Marion, and a concluding dinner program and panel discussion with experts on campus, are also essential aspects of the symposium.

A complete event schedule, pricing, and a link to registration for the symposium can be found at https://go.osu.edu/harding. Registration must be completed online and is open through Friday, July 12, 2024. Seating at the reception and dinner are limited, so patrons are encouraged to register early.  If you have questions, please contact Symposium Chairman, C. Gary Iams at 740-360-7166 or by email at mu6forall@aol.com or Ohio State Marion Development & Community Relations at 740-725-6340 or by email at  somerlot.30@osu.edu.