Incoming and returning students make themselves comfortable in new student housing

Written by Austin Harris, junior English major & communications intern

The Ohio State University at Marion is in a transitional period in its 58 year history, all thanks to the new students residing at The Annex of Marion, Marion’s newest privately developed student housing facility.

The Harding Centre, which opened its doors to students in 2013, began the trend of transitioning the Marion campus from being strictly a commuter campus to a residential option. Now in 2015, students choosing to attend Ohio State Marion or Marion Technical College have access to 192 purpose built student units, in addition to other private apartments and lofts in the area.


“You’re eager to make friends living here…just because people have a common connection in that they live here and go to OSU Marion” - Evan Pfeifer


Incoming students began moving their clothes, food, books, and other personal items into the 92 unit Annex the weekend prior to the start of Ohio State classes. Located on University Drive, one unique factor of The Annex of Marion is its close proximity to the campus.

Pictured from left:  Roommates Jason Brookover, Jason Apple, and Mitch Colver

Pictured from left:  Roommates Jason Brookover, Jason Apple, and Mitch Colver shared a moment with the camera and stories about their new college digs.

With many college options available, Ohio State Marion freshman aerospace engineering major Jason Apple shared that having the Annex available in Marion was definitely a significant factor in choosing this campus.

“Without this being here, I’d probably have gone to OSU Newark because that’s a lot closer to my house and I could commute there,” explained Apple, “but this has definitely really, really made my life better.”

Kara Groh, a freshman chemical engineering major from Hilliard, Ohio, also echoed Apple’s feelings about the importance of nearby student housing in making her college choice. 
According to Groh, because The Annex wasn’t built back in January, the commute was challenging for her.

“When they built the Annex, I was like, ‘this is great,’” she said.

In just under two weeks since moving day, students are already talking to one another and getting sociable. Evan Pfeifer, a finance major and freshman at Ohio State Marion remarked on the friendliness at The Annex.

“In all honesty, you walk out your door and see somebody or a couple people and you’ll say, ‘Hi, how are you doing?’” Pfeifer said. “It’s easy to meet people and then you’ll get to talking about your major and stuff and kind of ask, ‘Where are you from?’”

“You’re eager to make friends living here…just because people have a common connection in that they live here and go to OSU Marion,” he explained.

Apple also spoke of how quickly the people in the student community were to chat with each other.

“During the first and second days that we moved here, we went around and started to get to know everyone on campus.”

Groh felt the atmosphere at the housing development was easy going.

“It’s been really friendly,” she said “We’ve all been going around the apartments every night and we were kind-of just hanging out in everyone’s apartment.”

“We’re all pretty much (acquainted) now. It’s more like a little community with apartments, which is very nice.”

While not being traditional on-campus college dormitories, the young-adult life style grasped onto the establishment quickly.

Groh explained, “I like hanging out here and at school.” She added that they “do a lot of stuff; we play video games, we play board games…we watched some Netflix together. Just hanging out and doing some activities.”

“We have a clubhouse. Sometimes they have free food,” Groh continued. “They’re planning to get a television down in there. (That is) something we don’t have.”

Jack Burns, another Annex resident and freshman mechanical engineering major, shed more light on the lively apartment life.

“We like to play video games.” Burns said. “Whenever we’re in the room it’s just a video game or a movie, or eating.”

“Thankfully we have a roommate that likes to cook,” joked Burns’s roommate and biological engineering major Jacob Reese.

Apple also didn’t shy away from the academic advantage the Annex provides.

“When we are done with classes, if we ever need study groups, everyone is right here.”

The establishment’s location is certainly a brisk walk for some. Pfeifer commented on its close geography to campus.

“This is the closest place to the campus and I think that it makes it every bit as easy as anywhere else,” Pfieifer said. “Say, if your car breaks down, you can just walk to class. If you have your bike here, you can ride to class.”

Mitch Colver, a freshman majoring in mechanical engineering, exalted the decision behind the housing’s location.

“It’s a lot easier with the college right across the street,” said Colver.

“I’ll get a richer experience,” he added. “We are really close to the resources that we have.”

While having quality housing is a great aspect to the new developments to campus life, many of the students were exuberant with starting their new lives as Ohio State Buckeyes.

Pfeifer is very proud to be a Buckeye, and expressed his admiration towards the university community.

“There is a lot of pride that comes into it,” he said. “There’s a lot of people around the country that love the Buckeyes, and that’s exactly how I feel too. They’re great in all aspects from art, to sports, to everything.”

“It’s truly incredible to be a part of it. It’s the best of the best, that’s what OSU is.”