Jan Lang
Research Interests:
Analysis and focused on the following areas: approximation theory and s-numbers; and Eigenvalues for non-linear systems and Special trigonometric Functions.
EDMUNDS, DAVID E., and JAN LANG. "AN L p INEQUALITY AND GENERALISED TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS." Transactions of A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute 177, no. 2 (2023).
Boulton, Lyonell, and Jan Lang. "The eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the non-linear equation associated to second order Sobolev embeddings." Nonlinear Analysis 236 (2023): 113362.
Lang, Jan, and Zdeněk Mihula. "Different degrees of non-compactness for optimal Sobolev embeddings." Journal of Functional Analysis 284, no. 10 (2023): 109880.
D.E. Edmunds, J. Lang, “Non-compact embeddings of Sobolev spaces”, Journal of Approximation Theory, Volume 286, (2023)