Frances Sivakoff
Associate Professor
My research explores the factors that regulate arthropod abundance and distribution, for both pests and beneficial species, across agricultural, natural, and urban landscapes. Across these systems, my goal is to explore how changes in habitat quality influence the sustainability of ecosystem services. I use a variety of methodological approaches, including manipulative field experiments, landscape analyses, simulations, ecoinformatics, and molecular approaches, to tackle ecological questions related to this goal.
Scott, Sarah B., Frances S. Sivakoff, Megan E. Meuti, and Mary M. Gardiner. "Metals could challenge pollinator conservation in legacy cities." Journal of Insect Conservation (2023): 1-15.
Pham, Michelle A., MaLisa R. Spring, Frances S. Sivakoff, and Mary M. Gardiner. "Reclaiming urban vacant land to manage stormwater and support insect habitat." Urban Ecosystems (2023): 1-15. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11252-023-01418-9