Chris Orban
Associate Professor
Science & Engineering Building, Room 210N (Research Lab 210P)
Courses Taught:
Physics 1250, Physics 1251, Astro 1142
Research Interests:
Computational Physics, Laboratory and Astrophysical Plasmas, Physics Education research
Knight, Benjamin M., Connor M. Gautam, Colton R. Stoner, Bryan V. Egner, Joseph R. Smith, Christopher M. Orban, Juan J. Manfredi et al. "Detailed Characterization of a kHz-rate Laser-Driven Fusion at a Thin Liquid Sheet with a Neutron Detection Suite." High Power Laser Science and Engineering: 1-13.
Shah, Aditya, Thomas Zhang, Ronak Desai, Chris Orban, and Joseph Smith. "Comparing Machine Learning Methods on Synthetic Laser Accelerated Proton Data." Bulletin of the American Physical Society (2023).
Smith, Joseph R., Bart Snapp, Savva Madar, Jonathan R. Brown, Jim Fowler, Maeve Andersen, Christopher D. Porter, and Chris Orban. "A smartphone-based virtual reality plotting system for stem education." Primus 33, no. 1 (2023): 1-15.