Chris Daddis
Associate Professor
Research Interests:
Chris Daddis is an Assistant Professor of Psychology at the Marion campus of The Ohio State University. He completed his undergraduate work at Cornell University and attended graduate school at the University of Rochester, earning his Ph.D. in Developmental Psychology in 2004.
At The Ohio State University, Dr. Daddis teaches Adolescent Development, Research Methods in Psychology, Moral Development, Psychology of Childhood, Educational Psychology, Introduction to Data Analysis, and Lifespan Development. He also directs undergraduate independent studies and supervises Senior Honors Theses. In addition, Dr. Daddis is the director of the honors program at the Ohio State Marion Campus.
Dr. Daddis' research employs a social cognitive approach to the study of adolescent autonomy development that focuses on changes in adolescents' and parents' social reasoning about the boundaries delineating adolescent and parent authority. Dr. Daddis' work specifically examines the processes that are associated with individual differences in autonomy development. Two related lines of research examine these processes.
The first examines the influence of peers on adolescents' construction of boundaries between personal and parental authority. The second line examines differences in the ways that adolescents actively assert autonomy through active management of information about their lives.
Selected Publications
Daddis, C. (in press). Desire for Increased Autonomy and Adolescents' Perceptions of Peer Autonomy: "Everyone Else Can; Why Can't I?" Child Development
Daddis, C. (2010). Adolescent peer crowds and patterns of belief in the boundaries of personal authority. Journal of Adolescence, 33, 699-708.
Daddis, C., & Randolph, D. (2010). Dating and disclosure: Adolescent management of information regarding romantic involvement. Journal of Adolescence, 33, 309-320.
Daddis, C. (2008). Similarity between early and middle adolescent close friends' beliefs about personal jurisdiction. Social Development, 17, 1019-1038.
Daddis, C. (2008). Influence of close friends on the boundaries of adolescent personal authority. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 18, 75-98.
Horn, S. S., Daddis, C., & Killen, M. (2008). Peer relationships and social groups: Implications for moral education. In L. Nucci & D. Narvaez (Eds.), Handbook on moral and character Education (pp. 267-287). New York: Routledge.
Daddis, C., & Smetana, J. (2005). Middle-class African American families' expectations for adolescents' behavioural autonomy. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 29, 371-381.
Smetana, J., Campione-Barr, N., & Daddis, C. (2004). Longitudinal development of family decision making: Defining healthy behavioral autonomy for middle-class African American adolescents. Child Development, 75, 1418-1434.
Smetana, J., Daddis, C., & Chuang, S. (2003). Clean your room! A longitudinal investigation of adolescent-parent conflict and conflict resolution in middle class African American families. Journal of Adolescent Research, 18, 631-650.
Smetana, J. & Daddis, C. (2002). Domain specific antecedents of psychological control, Parental monitoring, and adolescent autonomy: The role of parenting beliefs and practices. Child Development, 73, 563-580.