Donna Bobbitt-Zeher
Associate Professor
Research Interests:
Dr. Bobbitt-Zeher's agenda primarily concerns gender and inequality, how gender inequality changes over time, and the consequences of these changes. Using both quantitative and qualitative methods in her work, and drawing on a race/class/gender perspective as well.
Merry, Joseph J., and Donna Bobbitt‐Zeher. "Sibship and Inequality Beliefs: Do Siblings Have a Liberalizing or Conservatizing Effect?." Sociological Inquiry (2023).
Donna Bobbitt-Zeher, Aidan Dobbyns, “Did Covid Create a New Opportunity to ‘Regulate the Poor’? Chapter in Mehlman-Brightwell, Danielle R., In Choi, Adian Dobyns, Shichao Du, Chinasa Elue, M. Evans Na’Tasha, Aaron B. Franzen et al. The Impacts of COVID-19 on Political Dynamics, Social Inequality, and the Wellbeing of Americans. Rowman & Littlefield, 2023.