Anna Willow
Courses Taught:
Peoples and Cultures: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (Anthropology 2202); Indians of North America (Anthropology 3420); History of Anthropological Theory (Anthropology 3525); Environmental Anthropology (Anthropology 5623); Anthropology of Food: Culture, Society, and Eating (Anthropology 5624); Anthropology of Religion (Anthropology 5625)
Research Interests:
Cultural responses to anthropogenic environmental change and the diversity of human-environment relationships. She has worked with Anishinaabe people fighting clearcutting and mercury contamination in their northwestern Ontario homeland, Ohioans concerned about shale energy development in their communities, and northeastern British Columbia residents facing the cumulative impacts of oil and gas extraction, coal mining, and hydroelectric dams.
Jalbert, Kirk; Willow, Anna; Casagrande, David; and Paladino, Stephanie (2017). 'ExtrACTION: Impacts, Engagements, and Alternative Futures.' London: Routledge Press.
Willow, Anna. (2012). 'Strong Hearts, Native Lands: The Cultural and Poli= tical Landscape of Anishinaabe Anti-Clearcutting Activism'. Albany: State University of New York Press.