Students encouraged to participate in Mental Health Wellness Challenge

In recognition of Depression Awareness Month during October, students are encouraged to participate in the 31 Day Mental Health Wellness Challenge. This campaign is developed to increase awareness about the importance of maintaining emotional wellness. Its mission is to educate individuals about simple activities and strategies for self-care, foster discussion about mental wellness, reduce stigma associated with mental health disorders, and encourage students to seek support and professional help when necessary. This month, take a few extra minutes each day to focus on yourself and this dimension of wellness. After all, our mental health wellness deserves its day in the sun.

Mon 1 - First day of depression awareness month
Do you know the signs? Low mood, fatigue, loss of interest, irritability/anger, hard to concentrate . . . learn more at:

Tue 2 - Share these facts with someone
1 in 4 college students experiences depression. Depression is a treatable disorder. It is always okay to ask for AND accept help! Office of Counseling & Wellness (740) 725-6349.

Wed 3 - Bounce back
Learning resiliency skills can lead to greater life enjoyment and can have a positive impact at home, work, and within relationships. Increase your resiliency and check out

Thu 4 - Fresh express produce market
Stop by the market and pick up some FREE, fresh produce! Good nutrition and healthy eating is key to maintaining balance brain chemistry!

Fri 5 - TGIF right?
Now come up with 5 additional things for which you are grateful and write them down. The ability to express gratitude is a sign of Mental Wellness

Sat 6 - Put on your scarlet and gray
Cheer the Buckeyes toward a homecoming win over the Hoosiers! Wearing red stimulates your mind and body. Go Buckeyes!

Sun 7 - A day of rest and de-stress
Get a good night’s sleep to start the week feeling rejuvenated. Sleep and rest are vitally important in order to function at our highest level. Recommended sleep for adults: 7-8 hours. Are you getting enough?

Mon 8 - National day without stigma
Show your compassion. Allow people to be who they are without passing judgment. Be curious. Exploring differences can be a learning opportunity!

Tue 9 - Engage with others
Humans are social by nature – spend time with friends/family & talk openly & honestly about your thoughts and feelings. This reduces feelings of distress and develops coping skills. Strive for interdependence!

Wed 10 - Smile like you mean it
Smiling helps to reduce tension in your body and is a nice pick-me-up for the recipient of your smile. Take it up a notch and LAUGH! Laughter reduces anxiety & stress, manages pain & bolsters the immune system.

Thu 11 - Spend time outdoors
Connecting with nature fosters well-being. Even a few minutes can make a difference in how you feel by boosting energy levels and cognitive outlook.

Fri 12 - Enjoy a mini-vacation in your mind with the use of guided imagery
Check out Headspace at:

Sat 13 - Sharpen your saw
Play helps us feel energized, engages our creativity and reduces stress. It is an important part of staying well. Bring play into every day!

Sun 14 - A day of rest and de-stress
Stand in the sun for 5 minutes – the light actually improves your mood. (Don’t forget your sunscreen!)

Mon 15 - The power of positive thinking
Challenge yourself to go all day without complaining. It will improve your mood, as well as that of those around you!

Tue 16 - Watch your language
The words you choose influence your mood and ultimately the outcome of your day. Use Proactive Language: I will, I choose to, I can, etc. Remember to carry your own weather!

Wed 17 -Get moving
A walk, a visit to the gym, a session of yoga or any activity of your choosing improves mood, reduces stress and clears your head.

Thu 18 - Increase your awareness to your five senses
What do you see, hear, smell, taste, and feel? Close your eyes, breathe, and spend some time just being in THIS moment.

Fri 19 - Focus on your breathing
Feel the coolness of the air as you inhale, feel your chest rise, etc. It curbs your body’s fight or flight reaction and pulls focus away from negative thoughts. Let your breath be your anchor to your present moment.

Sat 20 - Compile a list of the members in your support system
Individuals who have strong supports and meaningful, positive interpersonal relationships tend to have better mental wellness.

Sun 21 - A day of rest and de-stress
Take a break and do something that you love to do to relax, rejuvenate and refocus yourself.

Mon 22 - Get involved
Volunteer or find another way to be active in your community. This creates a support network and gives you a break from everyday stress. Plus, we find ourselves in the service of others.

Tue 23 - Break out the bubble gum
Chewing gum lowers anxiety and helps to manage stress

Wed 24 - Create a list of what you can and cannot control
(Circle of influence vs. Circle of Concern). Let go of that which you have no control and spend your time productively. Be solution-focused, not problem-focused.

Thu 25 - Choose a crunchy snack when you take a break today
Science shows that crunchy foods improve your mood!

Fri 26 - Perform an act of kindness
Research shows that kindness breeds kindness and you can experience the positive emotion of the “helpers high” just by doing something nice for someone else! Cool, huh?

Sat 27 - Connect to music.
Listening to music lowers cortisol levels and has a calming effect. Pick some of your favorite tunes or playlist and enjoy!

Sun 28 - A day of rest and de-stress
Seek out the company of a friend or loved one. Connectedness to others fosters balance and well-being.

Mon 29 - Put it in writing
Jotting down your thoughts and feelings can be a great emotional outlet. Journal, write a poem, story or letter to release what is in your mind and heart

Tue 30 - Repeat your favorite activity from the challenge this month
Create a plan to continue to foster your Mental Wellness all year long.

Wed 31 - Treat yourself!
You have completed the challenge. Congratulations! Enjoy some chocolate to release endorphins!

Begin with the end in mind and make mental wellness a BIG Rock!